"Prince" Or "Princess" Gender Ultrasound Determination Reveal Sonogram
Prince or Princess gender determination ultrasound package $175
* 2D Gender ultrasound Plus Package as early as 14 weeks
* Listen to your baby's heartbeat during ultrasound
* Gender Reveal during sonogram or you may ask us to create a surprise
* Printed Pictures from ultrasound
* Add a Heartbeat stuffed animal with your baby's recorded heartbeat $20.00 OFF!!
* Discounts on Gender Reveal Party Supplies
* We can help you create a surprise. Just let us know your plans to discover gender.
**Call about different add-on Specials!
* 30% off scheduled return visit 3D 4D Ultrasound Package during the same pregnancy or upgrade to multi visit package
* Gift Cards available towards all our Services including Gender Reveal ultrasound
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Gender Reveal UltraSound
I was so excited to see my baby and grateful for this opportunity to see my baby outside of my regularly scheduled ultra sounds. I was at 17 weeks and was hopeful I didn't have to do a blood test. Everyone was extremely nice. I was able to get a same day appointment and was seen promptly upon arrival. The location was easy to find. The gel was warm and the bed where the US performed was so comfortable I could have stayed there for hours. I saw my little nugget, got to hear "his" heartbeat and the technician was able to determine the sex. I was given to gender photos and she wrote the sex on it in case we couldn't tell. Then she gave me 2 other pictures. A close up of "his" little face and "his" little foot. I was so excited. We're doing a gender reveal this week and I cannot wait. The entire appointment took about 15 minutes. Great value for what you're getting. An US costs way more through your insurance and copay. I'm definitely going back for the 3D ultrasound as soon as possible. Thanks 3D 4 Baby!